Breaking News
94% of Galway households compliant with property tax
Galway Bay fm newsroom – Ninety four percent of Galway households are compliant with local property tax and household charges, according to new figures.
Figures released by the Office of the Revenue Commissioners show that over 31 thousand households in the city and almost 69 thousand in the county are fully compliant with the local authority rates.
The figures show that Revenue has collected €310m nationally from Property tax and Household Charges since 2012, with over €30m collected from households in Galway.
Ninety four percent of almost 100 thousand households in Galway City and County were compliant with the charges, slightly below the national average of ninety five percent.
The lowest rate of compliance is in Co. Donegal, where only 89% of households have met their obligations.
The highest rate of compliance is in Fingal and Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown local authourities, both with a rate of 95.8%.