700 new student bed spaces to ease rental market pressure
Galway City Tribune – An Bord Pleanála has given the go-ahead for the construction of nearly 700 new student bed spaces on NUIG lands at Dangan – which will help relieve pressure on the city’s private rental accommodation market.
And Galway City Council believes the development will help to “reduce nuisance” in residential areas like Newcastle.
The new complex – an investment of an estimated €40 million – will be developed in four blocks ranging from four to eight storeys in height, close to the university’s Sports Pavilion at Dangan.
It will comprise 125 en suite apartments – with a total of 674 bed spaces – and will be used during the summer months for tourist purposes.
The site is largely scrubland and spans a total of almost 15 acres, around half of which will be used for the new scheme.
According to Government strategy: “[Student accommodation] has a significant related impact on the private rental sector and an increase in the provision of student accommodation is a key priority in addressing the housing crisis.”
The City Council’s Planning Department has called the project “a welcome expansion of student accommodation within the city”.
This is a preview only. To read the rest of this article, see this week’s Galway City Tribune. Buy a digital edition of this week’s paper here.
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